Sunday, November 3, 2013

Dear Nya.... # 1 Question Everything

To My Dearest Nya,

Every day I think about what I hope to teach you.  What I want you to learn from me.  I think about all the possibilities that lie before you.  I wonder what kind of person you will be.  I think about the many dreams and hopes for your life.

The answer is simple:  I want you to be you.  And to be the best you that you possibly can be. 

I want you to question me.  I want you to question your father.  I want you to question your teachers. Your doctor.  The government.  Never stop learning and seeking answers.  The world is full of different viewpoints, and some you may agree with, and others you may not. 

Standing up for what you believe in may be ridiculed by the majority. 

Realize and understand that everyone is on a journey.  Their journey.  Just as you are on your journey.  Each person you meet is fighting their own struggle, their own battles, and trying to find their own place in the world.  Each person is seeking out their truth, just as you are seeking out yours. 

You don't need to go to church to find God.  You don't need to be Republican or Democrat to have political beliefs.  You don't need to go to college to have an education.

In order to be your true self, you must be open.  You must be open to all the many ideas, beliefs, and possibilities in the world.  From learning, really learning in depth all sides to a situation, you will find your truth.

Ideas, beliefs, and ways of doing things are always changing.  What works for you in one moment, may not work in another time of your life.  Accept this.  This is ok.  It's called life and it means you are growing. 

By questioning, you learn.  By learning, you develop your Self.  By developing your Self, you find your truth.  And in finding your truth, you find you.  And this my daughter, is living well.

To connect with others and share in this journey called life,
please visit our Facebook page, Loving Green, at Loving Green FB

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