Friday, November 29, 2013

Dear Nya...#2 Speak Your Truth

To My Dearest Nya,

I wish I could tell you that everyone you meet will be absolutely wonderful to you at all times.  That they will be respectful of your beliefs, open to your ideas, and tolerant of what you have to say.  That people will always be honest; saying what they mean, and meaning what they say.  Unfortunately, this may not always be the case.

You will be put in situations which make you uncomfortable. You will be surrounded by those that believe the exact opposite of you. Your "friends" may even abandon you because they discover your beliefs are different from theirs.  You might have relationships with people who try to make you feel guilty for saying what you think, and may even ignore what you have to say.

Throughout this life, you will be tested time and again.

But know and remember that life will never present you with an opportunity that you are not able to handle.  Some will be more challenging than others, some will seem like a piece of cake, and others may have you sobbing into your pillow.  It is in these moments that your character will be defined.  How you handle each situation is entirely up to you, and no one can take that away from you.  Some may try, but it's not theirs to own.  They are your feelings, your thoughts, your ideas, your beliefs.  Own them.  Be proud of them.  Be kind with them.  Be respectful with them.  Be tolerant with them.  Be open with them.  Be accepting of them.

When speaking your truth, realize you are doing just that.  Your truth. In speaking your truth, make sure you are coming from a good place. What is your intent? If you come from an honest and open heart, your truth will flow easily, and you will feel a moment of peace.  Say what you need to say, release it, and let it go.  You have no control what happens to your truth once it's out there. 

When speaking your truth, always remember to be kind.  Your intention must be pure. Your truth may be judged.  It may be criticized. It may even cost you relationships. But if it does, then so would have keeping your mouth shut. Let others not like you for you.  Not for who you pretend to be. The true friends in your life will love and accept you for you, regardless of your differences.  How others choose to accept it, reject it, or ignore it is their choice.  And their reaction is a result of their own feelings and truth that they may or may not be able to share. 

Many people may find your truth uncomfortable. Unfortunately, again, this has to do with where they are coming from.  Many have learned to cover up their truth in order to fit in, not offend, and remain voiceless.  Don't allow yourself to give in to the pulls of pressure from society.  The only way to stay true to yourself is by speaking your truth.  For when you don't speak your truth, you begin to lose some of yourself "peace" by "peace".

Having said that, I want you to remember that you need to allow others to speak their truthListen to them.  Hear them.  Accept their truth.  You may not like nor agree with it, but you need to be open to receiving it. 

Being open and honest, holding firm in your convictions, staying true to your beliefs, and speaking your heart is not easy. It takes immense strength. But I promise you, my daughter, you have it in you.

Truth allows you to live with integrity.
Everything you do and say shows the world who you really are.
Let it be the Truth. ~ Oprah Winfrey
Some people will not tolerate such emotional honesty in communication.
They would rather defend their dishonesty on the grounds that it might hurt others.
Therefore, having rationalized their phoniness into nobility,
they settle for superficial relationships. ~ unknown author
The shortest and surest way to live with honor in the world
is to be in reality what we would appear to be. ~  Socrates
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  1. Tears flow as I read this beautifully written, sensitive, insightful letter to my grand daughter! The love that flows from my heart with the knowledge that Nya will learn compassion, honesty, open mindedness, tolerance and acceptance comforts me when my life here on this earth must come
    to an end! I love you! ~ Mom

    1. Thank you so much! I can only hope I teach Nya all the wonderful strength and values you instilled upon me!
