Thursday, December 19, 2013

Mineral Herbal Foot Bath for Detoxing Tired Feet

I was so excited to finally uncover all of my body and skin care recipes from my days studying to become a Holistic Health Practitioner.  Ten years ago I followed my passions for holistic healing and natural wellness and somewhere along the way (although always an important staple in my life) I chose a different career path believing it was the thing I "should" do.  Since having my daughter, I have realized more than ever how important it is to stick to what you're passionate about.  Luckily and unfortunately for me, that tends to be many different things!

What has always been at the forefront in the way I live my life, is healing and treating the body through natural remedies. 

What does this mean?

It means taking care of your body before it fails you.  It means figuring out the problem and treating it, instead of covering up the symptoms while the problem remains.

One key component I like to use in healing and/or aiding the mind and body is the use of pure essential oils.  I use Lavender and Chamomile with my daughter to soothe her to a relaxed state at bedtime for nights that she's overtired or teething.  Tea Tree Oil is also a regular in our home to heal any rashes or blemishes that strike.

Please note, while considered natural, some herbs and essential oils are not recommended while pregnant or nursing.  To see a list of which ones, click here.  All essential oils must be diluted with a carrier oil such as jojoba, avocado or apricot kernel oil (these are beneficial oils for sensitive skins) before using on a child.  All essential oils should be 100% pure.  Always make sure to do your own research, and consult with a trusted doctor or naturopath first. 

So during this busy time of year, we tend to be on our feet more, eating food that we normally wouldn't be eating, and are desperately in need of a quick cleanse of the toxins that have been building up.  This mineral herbal footbath recipe is very therapeutic with detoxifying mineral salts and purifying essential oils.  It's easy to do on your own, bottle it up and give as a gift, or to create an at home girls spa day.

What you need:

1/2 cup (4 ounces) Coarse Sea Salts
1/2 cup (4 ounces) Dead Sea Mineral Salts
*5 Drops Juniper Berry Essential Oil
5 Drops Grapefruit Essential Oil
5 Drops Bitter Orange Essential Oil

* Should not be used while pregnant or if you have kidney problems.

What you do:

Mix all ingredients together and store in an air tight container.  Glass jars work best.  Keep in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.  This recipe is good for two uses.  Feel free to make more at once!

To use:

Fill a basin with hot water.  Add half the mixture to the hot water.  Allow feet to soak for 15 - 20 minutes.  Remove feet and rinse.  Air dry (if you have the time!) and follow with a natural skin balm or salve.  I like to use Simply Balm for Skin.

To connect with others in this crazy journey called life, discover new parenting ideas, learn about holistic remedies, and find whole food plant based recipes, please visit our Facebook page Loving Green at Loving Green FB.

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