Monday, December 9, 2013

Much Shiitake About Nothing...

It really is the small things that matter in life.  These little moments in time with the ones we love that flood our hearts with happiness and uncontrollable joy.  These are the moments that give our life meaning. 

I make a point to always try and be in the moment; especially with my daughter.  I feel like I've spent a good deal of my life (and I still fall into this from time to time) pushing myself and focusing on that next moment of what needs to be done.  It's in these times that I miss out on the greatness that surrounds me. 

I think it's human nature to get caught up in life, and we all find ourselves there at some time or another. It's not always easy to be in the moment when life is pulling you in a million different directions.  But when you can let all else go, and just focus on what's in front of you, that is when the best memories are always made.

Tonight was one of those nights that I was able to be completely present and fully enjoy a moment in time with my daughter.  And it was all over the simplest thing that I wouldn't have given a second thought to if it weren't for Nya.

It began in the early afternoon after she awoke from her nap and I sat her at our island counter for a snack. I was preparing dinner and chatting with her while she ate. 

I'm going to deviate slightly here to fill you in slightly on how our family operates... Cussing is not that big of a deal in our house.  Since having Nya, my husband and I (mainly me) have cut way back in using "bad words", yet neither one of us is overly concerned about Nya hearing this language, because it's not said out of anger, so much as it is out of happiness (odd, I realize, but I feel they provide much more powerful adjectives than "great", "very", and "so").  We would much rather her here passion, love, and kind words that contain profanity, than words that are filled with anger, hate, and bitterness.  I realize the majority of parents do not feel this way and I fully respect and appreciate that.


I was preparing dinner when a piece of cauliflower flew up and out of the glass pan and slid across the island.  It caught me off guard and my first reaction was a quick inhale followed by, "Shiitake!" 

Yes, I actually said that word.  I have never used it in my life (unless referring to mushrooms) and really have no idea where it came from.  Subconsciously I must have been trying to avoid saying, "Shit!" as I normally would have, but it surprised me more than anything.  Nya, on the other hand, thought this was the funniest thing she has ever seen and heard, and began laughing hysterically.  I have never seen her laugh so hard and long as she did after this.  Her giggles got me going and we carried on this way for quite awhile. 

We went for a walk and played outside, forgetting all about what happened earlier and instead enjoying the new moments we were creating.  Then, after dinner, Nya was helping me clean up, and I said it again.  She immediately erupted into giggles and squeals.  For the next hour, we giggled ourselves uncontrollably in between a few more "Shiitakes".  Nya even eventually began speaking a few of her own, though they came out as "Shotkey", which prompted us to laugh even harder.

I don't know if it's a full moon, something in the air, or just a part of life and growing up.  And many may not understand how or why this is special to me.  But that's ok.  Because tonight I enjoyed a moment with my daughter that filled both of our hearts with happiness. We shared a laughter that makes every fiber of your body feel alive and free.  We created a memory that will stay with me a lifetime and is forever embedded in my heart.  I will always be able to picture that smiling face and hear the sounds of her laughter as she heard the word "Shiitake" for the first time. And I think why this was such a memorable moment, is because it was so incredibly random, and one I probably would have missed if I was focused more on preparing dinner instead of just being in the moment with my daughter. One day, I'll be able to look back fondly on this night when Nya is grown, and share this story with her. 

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1 comment:

  1. This had me laughing the further I got into it, because I've been there and had those moments that are incredibly random, yet undeniably special. I believe those moments are the ones that hold the places in your heart.
