Thursday, January 23, 2014

Dear Nya....#3 Never Lose Your Ability To Dream

To My Dearest Nya,

Never lose your ability to dream.  This world is full of endless possibilities, miracles happen every day, and dreams really do come true.

One of the purest attributes that makes a person successful is their ability to dream and believe in limitless potential.  YOU have this within you.  YOU are capable and able to do anything you dedicate your heart and mind to.

This perseverance is frightening to some, and there will be those along the way that are threatened by your dreams.  You may often hear...

"That's silly."

"It's not realistic."

"That'll never happen."

"You don't even know how to..."

"That's not the world we live in."

Realize, as with most things in life, what others project onto you has everything to do with them, and nothing to do with you.  When others react to your dreams this way, it's because they have lost the ability to see the unlimited potential available within themselves; they've lost their ability to believe in their dreams.

You may also have moments of self doubt, and fear.  Fear of failing.  Fear of not being good enough.  Fear of someone else being better.  Fear of rejection.  Fear of what other's may think.  Fear that others won't understand.  Fear of criticism.  Fear of controversy.  Fear of not fitting in.  Fear of being ostracized.  Fear of going against the social norm.  Fear of the unknown.

These feelings are the reason people don't reach their full potential.  They're the reason goals aren't pursued, and dreams are not reached.  Fear is behind the negativity in life.  It creeps into your mind and plagues you with self-doubt.  And it always seems to surface when you're on the verge of greatness.

This is one of life's greatest tests:  Are you willing to pursue your dreams, reach your full potential, fulfill your purpose, regardless of what obstacles may stand in your way?  It's God's way of testing your faith, determination, and inner strength.  It has nothing to do with capability, but rather, the limits your ego and mind have constrained you with.

The only person who can put limits to what you're able to achieve, is you.  So go forward in life with reckless abandon.  Follow you heart and believe with all your mind.

Anything is possible.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."  ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

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