Monday, February 3, 2014

Be the Change You Wish to See in the World

Every day I see and hear so many horrible stories. Extreme cruelty and torture to animals. Horrific acts and neglect to children. Unkind words to those we love and those we haven't even met. We abuse the earth, its inhabitants, and in return, ourselves.

These images leave me feeling broken down, helpless, and doubtful of mankind. How did we become a society that is so desensitized by the suffering of any living creatures on this earth? Is it really that much easier to turn our head instead of facing reality head on?

In the middle of it all, I think of Nya. I see her care free spirit, ready to explore life at any chance she's given. I see the excitement in her eyes, free from fear and worry. I see wonderment, curiosity, trust, and pure love for all that she encounters.

This innocent spirit is present in all children. So where does it get lost?

It scares me to think of what kind of world she is growing up in. It saddens me for all children. I wonder so many nights, what is my role for her, and how can I best prepare her for this?

I realize my job is not to prepare her for a harsh and cruel world. But instead to see the good in all situations. To find hope when she doubts. To offer kindness and compassion when there is none in return. To love freely and openly. And to teach her to value this earth and all its inhabitants.

More importantly, I realize she needs to see these lived out in me.

I need to be the person that embodies the goodness in the world. I need to have hope despite what obstacles I may face. I need to love freely and openly. I need to offer compassion and kindness to the earth and all its inhabitants.

Perhaps this is how change happens. One step at a time.One person at a time. One generation at a time.

I'm no saint. I know that. I make mistakes... All the time. But I want this world to be a better place for my daughter, and all other children.  I don't want them to grow up in a world that is numb to the pain and suffering that surrounds them. I don't want them to have to turn the other cheek in order to avoid the harsh reality. I want their reality to be pure. I want our children to face life head on and discover it's full of peace. I want that innocent spirit to remain alive in all of us.

I'm often told, "That's not the reality we live in."  ....  My question is always, Why can't it be?

We hold the power within us to make choices. They may not be easy. They may be questioned. They may be looked at as ridiculous. So what? I plan to leave this earth better than I've found it. Will you join me?

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  1. I love what you wrote here! For several years now, I've been going through some "self-renovations" on the basis of Ghandi's famous quote (together with a humanistic perspective of existence). I feel like I am becoming living proof that we CAN be the change we want to see in the world simply by taking responsibility for ourselves and hold ourselves accountable.

    1. Thank you! And thank you for sharing your journey. It seems so simple when we stop and look within ourselves first, yet it takes a lot of courage and trust. Good for you for living the change! Taking accountability for ourselves and our own actions is the only thing we have control over, which sometimes I forget. My daughter has opened up another part of my life that pushes me to work even harder on being the person I want to be. Thank you again for your comments!

  2. Love love LOVE this!
