Sunday, March 23, 2014

Does having children change friendships...?

Becoming a mother and going through one of the most difficult emotional transformations has made me much more aware of the people in my life.

No matter how hard you try to avoid it, becoming a parent changes you. When you become responsible for a new, innocent life, every decision you make carries more weight. The negativity and closed mindedness from others that you once brushed aside, become glaringly obvious when you have a child.

Inevitably, friendships do change. You gravitate towards those that embody the qualities you wish to teach your children. You seek out those that understand, because they've been there too. You want to be with those that lift you up and accept you, despite your differences.

You realize who is there to support you through your new adventures, as well as your struggles.

You also realize... who is not.

With all of the unknowns, uncertainties, and many questions that are brought forward in this new journey, I couldn't be more thankful for those friends that are there, supporting me every step of the way. Even if we live far apart, don't talk as often as we'd like, or only touch in for the really important stuff, these are the women I will forever cherish.

They make deployments go by quicker.

They make starting a new business less scary.

They make motherhood feel less lonely.

And they make life a whole lot easier.

When you are lucky enough to find these women, hang on to them. Appreciate your similarities and learn from your differences. Always accept each other fully, and be each other's number one fan.

To connect with others in this crazy journey of life, discover new parenting ideas & fun DIY projects, learn about holistic remedies, & find whole food plant based recipes, please visit our Facebook page Loving Green at Loving Green FB.

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