Sunday, March 30, 2014

Pure Chocolate Pudding

I began using avocados as a thickening agent in some of my recipes because they create a great, flavorless base to easily build upon. When mixed with cacao (or cocoa), magic happens!

This is by far the best chocolate pudding recipe I've had, and it doesn't separate as some do when they sit awhile in the fridge. It's thick, creamy, and completely decadent. If you're nervous about the avocados, don't be! You can't taste them. They simply provide consistency and a flavorless base to build upon. Check out what's in the instant boxed pudding here, and compare the difference.

My daughter absolutely LOVES it, and this is a great way to boost your little ones nutrition while providing a special 'treat'.

What you need:

1/2 cup Natural Peanut Butter (or other nut butter)

*1.5 cup Plant Milk (I've used cashew, oat, and rice with great results)

4 tsp Pure Vanilla

5 Tbsp Raw Cacao Powder

2 Large Ripe Avocados

15 Dates (more to sweeten)

Pinch of Sea Salt

* Use can sub 1/2 cup raw cashews with 1.5 cups water - I now use this method!

What you do:

1. Combine all ingredients in a high speed blender or food processor (if using the above substitution, soak cashews in water overnight before using in food processor - not necessary in high speed blender) and blend until smooth.

2. Transfer to a bowl and serve warm or store in fridge until chilled. Makes about 6 cups.


Why these Ingredients?

Avocados: Aids in regulating and stabilizing blood sugar, protects against age related eye degeneration, improves the cardiovascular system, and boosts the body's immune system. Avocados are high in Fiber, Potassium (contain 35% more than a banana), Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Folate, and Vitamin B6, as well as healthy fats.

Dates: High levels of Soluble Fiber, Iron, and Potassium contain excellent levels of Selenium, Manganese, Copper, and Magnesium. Helps formulate friendly bacteria in intestines (helps with constipation and digestive issues). Dates have also shown in research studies to reduce the risk and impact of abdominal cancer. 

Natural Peanut Butter: Provides healthy fats, and are high in Protein, Fiber, Niacin, Folate, Vitamin E, Thiamine, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Iron, Vitamin B6, Potassium, and Riboflavin. These vitamins and minerals which helps protect the levels of Vitamins A and C in the body, maintain healthy digestion and metabolism, aid in bone and tooth health, muscle contraction, blood clotting, and immune function. They also reduce the risk of certain cancers, Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. To learn more about peanuts, click here.

Raw Cacao - High in Antioxidants (promotes general health and may lower risk of several diseases). The Linus Pauling Institute indicates that flavonoid antioxidants such as those found in cacao might interfere with the development of cancer. In a review of evidence from human subjects, published in 2009 in "Nutrition and Cancer," researchers concluded that compounds in cacao might prevent cancer or improve the outcome when the disease is already present. (Source)

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