Friday, May 23, 2014

One Pot Spicy Lentil Ragu

I just tried this out for the first time a few weeks ago, and my husband has requested it twice since then. I was a little skeptical about it, but I too, along with Jamie and our daughter, fell in love with this simple and healthy one pot dish.

Aside from the pasta, this spicy lentil ragu dish only cost $5 to make. So not only is it easy, delicious, and good for you, it's good for your wallet too!

This spicy lentil ragu recipe makes a lot, which you can either freeze, mix in with other meals, or simply cut in half. 

Ideas for other meals include:
  • Add it to a tortilla with avocado and potato for a yummy breakfast burrito
  • Mash it, add a flax egg and flour (almond, oat, etc.) and create no lentil balls or lentil patties
  • Top over rice or quinoa
  • Mix with other beans (black is our favorite here) and enjoy a lentil/bean salad
  • Stuff in a bell pepper and bake
  • Use in a collard or lettuce wrap

What you need:

1/4 cup water or veggie broth

1 large onion, finely chopped

10 cloves garlic, finely chopped or pressed

4 medium carrots, finely chopped

4 cans or fire roasted tomatoes (or 6 large fresh tomatoes, chopped)

2 Tbsp Dried Oregano

1 Tbsp crushed red pepper flakes (optional)

Sea Salt to taste

3 cups Water

2 cups brown or green lentils, rinsed and uncooked

Nutritional Yeast (optional)

16 ounces pasta of choice

What you do:

1. In a large pot, heat the 1/4 cup water or veggie broth, and add onion, garlic, and carrots. Cover and cook until vegetables are soft, about 25 minutes.

2. Add lentils, water, tomatoes, and red pepper flakes, and cook an additional 35 minutes, until lentils are tender, stirring occasionally.

3. Cook pasta according to instructions. Reserve half of the lentil ragu for other meals, or freeze immediately. Add remaining lentil ragu to the pasta and top with nutritional yeast.

* You can mix all together, or, scoop individually servings so everyone enjoys the amount of ragu on their pasta that they wish!


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