Monday, July 21, 2014

Battling Pain...Naturally

About 3 months ago, I forgot my age, lost my mind, and as a result, broke my arm, sprained my back, and bruised some ribs (read more here). The first couple days sucked, and I didn't even notice my broken arm because I was in so much back pain.

I've always prefered to let my body do what it was naturally designed to do: alert me to problems, and work to heal itself. Over ten years ago, I was on the path to pursue my dreams and was going to school to become a Holistic Health Practitioner. Somewhere along the way, an amazing job opportunity (so I thought at the time) landed in my lap, and I willingly changed my path. Yet my studies in eastern medicine, whole foods nutrition, and holistic therapy never left me.

So naturally, any time I'm in pain, I step back, breathe, and listen to my body. When the injury is as obvious as a broken bone, it's easy to know what is causing the pain. When no known accident occurs, figuring out the problem can be a little more difficult (which is a problem for many people). And often, pain medication, sleep aids, and other prescription drugs only mask the real issue, creating a false sense of wellness; which in turn, slows the healing time.

I was prescribed heavy medication to alleviate the pain, swelling, and relax my muscles. I chose not to take any of them and instead focused on my own internal healing, as I have done many times before.

The following is a list of natural remedies I used to help heal my injuries and manage the pain. Please note this is provided to share my experience and is in no way medical advice. Always seek the attention of a medical professional for severe health concerns.

  • Fresh Ginger added to smoothies (daily) and cooked with some foods
    • Learn more about using Ginger to tolerate pain, here.
  • Clove and Peppermint Oil Baths
    • Add 10 drops of each to a hot bath and soak. Follow with the topical oil combination below.
    • Great for muscle spams, aches, and arthritis.
  • Clove and Peppermint Oil Topical Creams (Dilute with a carrier oil, cream or lotion)
    • This gave me immediate relief and was life saving! 
    • Feels like an "icy hot".
    • Essential oils are recommended to be diluted. Dilute roughly 15 drops of each oil in a carrier oil (coconut works well but may be drying for some!)
    • Great for muscle spasms, aches, and arthritis.
    • Not safe for babies.
  • Chiropractic Care
    • The spinal cord and brain make up the central nervous system. If something is out of place, even slightly, it will greatly effect the mechanics of your body.
    • Safe for babies.
    • Can be used to treat many health problems.
  • Clean Eating
    • Avoid processed foods.
    • Load up on raw fruits and veggies.
  • Lots of Water
    • You should be consuming a minimum of half your body weight in ounces, each day (ex: 140 lbs = 70 ounces of water each day).
    • To learn more about the body and water, click here.
  • Rest
    • I was able to do this the first two days since my hubby was home. Unfortunately, it didn't last, but I did make sure to get as much down time when Nya was asleep.
    • To learn more about the power of sleep on the body's ability to heal, click here.
  • Stay Positive
    • The power of the mind is extremely powerful!
When I initially hurt myself, my biggest worry was, "How am I going to take care of my daughter?!" I was still breastfeeding, I couldn't even pick her up, and Jamie was going to be leaving in a few days. After the first two days of strictly following the above remedies, I was able to pick up my daughter without pain, got rid of my removable cast (there's a reason it's removable, right?!), and was feeling so much better. Within one week of the accident, I was doing things with minimal discomfort (such as gardening!), just as I had been before.

Do you have any experience with the above remedies? What things help you?

To connect with others in this crazy journey of life, discover new parenting ideas & fun DIY projects, learn about holistic remedies, & find whole food plant based recipes, please visit our Facebook page Loving Green at Loving Green FB.

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