Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups (Refined sugar and dairy free)

Sometimes you just need a dessert. But why not make those sweet treats work for your body instead of against it? I'm all for indulging, eating what your body craves, not restricting calories...but paying attention to the ingredients that you're actually ingesting.

I've experimented with these a few times, and originally made them into "buckeye balls". I think they look the best this way, but dipping them can be a bit time consuming. So I decided to turn them into my husband's favorite candy; peanut butter cups, and they were a HUGE hit!

You can make these a couple different ways...balls or cups, and crispy (my favorite) or not (Jamie's favorite). The batter is supposed to be somewhat dry, the chocolate coating helps to keep it in place.

What you need:

1 c natural peanut butter (I used chunky, but either works well!)

3/4 c date sugar (dehydrated dates finely can make your own or buy online or a health store)

1 Tbsp Maple Syrup (you can skip this and add extra peanut butter if it is too dry)

* 1 Plain rice cake (nothing added)

2 cups dairy free chocolate chips (I use Enjoy Life)

* Optional for crispy

What you do:

1. Combine peanut butter, date sugar, and maple syrup in a medium mixing bowl and stir until combined. It will be a little dry and that's ok!

2. Break apart the rice cake and add to the mixture if using. (I used a rice cake because it was the only thing I could find that had a good crunch without added ingredients).

For "buckeye balls"

3. In a double saucepan, melt the chocolate. (I heated water in a pot and place a glass bowl on top with the chocolate chips to create this).

4. While the chocolate is melting, begin to roll the batter into small balls, about 1/2 inch in diameter. (For best results, freeze the balls for 30 minutes before dipping in the melted chocolate).

5. Dip each ball into the chocolate, coating evenly, and place on parchment paper or a silicon baking mat. Store in fridge for 10 minutes to set. Makes about 24.

For Peanut butter cups

3. Melt the chocolate and scoop about 1.5 Tbsp into a silicon muffin pan (or a slightly oiled muffin pan). Spread across the bottom and up the sides (it doesn't have to be perfect, you just want to coat it as well as possible).

4. Scoop about 1/3 cup of the mixture into each chocolate coated muffin pan and press down firmly to pack.

5. Spoon more melted chocolate over the top to cover. Store in fridge to set (at least one hour). To remove, use a knife to slowly peel away from the sides and pop out (a silicon muffin pan works best for this!). Makes about 12.


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1 comment:

  1. Looks so good! I made these two years ago (without the date sugar) and I've been actually craving these recently after having a Justin's organic dark chocolate cup. Can't wait to try it with the rice cake in it- reminds me of a kit kat!
