Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Nacho Cheeze Sauce - Dairy Free!

I originally made this recipe a few months ago when we were having a family "nachos day". Basically, a really lazy day with "junk food" (nachos) and a movie. I make my original, Feel Good Cheese Sauce to top on vegetables and baked potatoes, but I wanted something that resembled a nacho cheese sauce a little more; like the jar kind from the store, or the kind you dip soft pretzels in.

I found the original recipe from April over at Kid Tested Firefighter Approved, but made some minor changes based on our needs and what I had available. I was absolutely shocked at the result; as was my husband. It tastes AMAZING, and even with my changes, she really deserves the credit for coming up with something so closely resembling nacho cheese without the cruelty, fat, and calories.

First time making the nacho cheeze sauce... I used more red pepper which darkened the color slightly.
Not only is this recipe made from whole foods, it's super easy to whip up. It's a great dip for parties, and can be used on just about anything. It does seem incredibly thin when you first blend the ingredients and before heating. It will resemble watered down milk in consistency, but thickens as it heats, and the longer it sets due to the cashews and tapioca starch.

Important Tips:

Stir continuously for best consistency

It will start to clump in the beginning...Don't panic...keep stirring!

Don't over heat (it will continue to thicken as it sets)

If saving some to reheat later, add a small bit of water to thin it out as you heat over stove

Best served fresh

Try not to eat it all in one sitting! :-)

What you need:

1/4 c raw cashews

2 Tbsp tapioca starch (corn starch works too - just make sure GMO Free)

2 Tbsp nutritional yeast

1/4 of a red bell pepper, chopped

1/2 tsp sea salt

1 Tbsp lemon juice (roughly one small lemon or 1/2 of a large lemon)

1.5 c cool water

What you do:

1. Combine all ingredients in a high speed blender or food processor and blend until smooth.

2. Pour into a small saucepan and cook over low-med heat, stirring continuously until thickens to desired consistency.

3. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Last batch of nacho cheeze sauce...use less red pepper for a lighter color.
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