Friday, November 8, 2013

Who is Monsanto? What are GMOs? And why should you care??

In 2012, Proposition 37, which would label GMO foods, was defeated in California. 

Two days ago Washington State had the opportunity to vote for labeling of GMOs in Proposition I-522.  Another opportunity for change in our country.  I was ecstatic!  Until I learned the bill was defeated.  What?!?

This led me to talk with more people in my quest for understanding why a bill such as this would not be passed.  What I came to discover, is that not many people really understand what GMOs are and how they are effecting us.

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)  are plants or animals that have been genetically engineered with bacteria, viruses, or other plants and animals.  These are experimental combinations of genes that would never happen naturally in the world we live in, and have never been present in the human body. 

Why do we want to take a chance on something that has proven in animal testing to be unsafe?  Because "money makes the world go round."  Monsanto, is the giant behind GMO and GE (Genetically Engineered) crops and animals.  They are a multinational agriculture, chemical, and biotechnology corporation that has paid billions of dollars to prevent investigation and labeling of our food supply.  And they are the makers of Agent Orange (herbicide dropped on Vietnamese crops and forests in the 60s and 70s that have been directly linked to cancer and other health horrors) and Round Up (America's choice of herbicide).

We keep trying to change nature and where are we getting ourselves?  Fat, sick, and nearly dead. 

In animal testing, GMO foods were shown to destroy organs, cause reproductive problems, increase infant mortality, and promote excessive cell growth (which has been linked as a precursor to cancer), just to name a few. Also, reported by farmers in Europe and Asia, four species of animals died after eating GMO corn.

Over 60 countries have serious restrictions or outright bans on the use and sale of GMOs.

So why does labeling continue to fail here in the United States?  We are not even debating a ban of these GMOs, just labeling. 

We need to educate ourselves.  Learn more about it.  And if you don't agree with it, don't purchase it.  If demand is not there, supply will decrease.

How do you know which foods contain GMOs and which do not if they're not labeled?  It's difficult.  Over 80% of processed foods contain GMO in this country.  (Think everything packaged: cereal, bread, granola bars, cookies, pudding cups, etc.).  The Non GMO Project  is a great non-profit organization that is helping educate the population about GMOs and provide information for which companies use GMOs and which do not.  On their webpage, they provide a detailed list of all foods safe to eat that have passed GMO inspection, including baby formula, pet food, and cleaning products.

The best thing you can do for yourself, your baby, and your family is to educate yourself.  Ask the questions.  Find the answers.  Support your local farmers. 

Below are links to more information about GMOs, Monsanto, and food companies that support GMOs. 

  - Use this!  It will guide you and tell you everything you need and want to know about GMOs. 

"Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world."
~ Henry Kissinger
To learn more and connect to others dedicated to living naturally, visit our Facebook page Loving Green at Loving Green FB


  1. I never realized how important all of this was to our food system and health. Very informative. I am now using the nongmoproject link for purchases!

  2. I'm glad I could help! And yes, the Non Project GMO is a great resource! I find myself referring to it all the time. Did you hear, also, that Hawaii has banned GMOs? Hopefully the rest of our states will soon follow!
