Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Molars Here, Chamomile There.

A couple months ago I wrote about Nya's teething journey and some tips that helped her through the pain.  She didn't get her first tooth until a year old, and after that, they began popping like crazy.  Every 10 - 15 days another one or two teeth pop through. We have had our challenges, but they have been relatively easy compared to what we experienced last week...

Last week Nya got two new teeth, with one of them being a molar.  This week, another molar is rearing it's ugly white head.  Cutting a molar has been like none other. The clinginess during the day magnified immensely.  Night time was more challenging as well, and she could only manage six to seven solid hours of sleep before waking and remaining restless with pain.

I use Chamomile & Lavender pillow mist for Nya on those really difficult nights, which calms her. But with this newfound teething pain, I knew what we had been doing wasn't going to cut it completely if she and I were going to get any sleep.  I'm still not comfortable using over the counter medications for teething pain relief, so thankfully, I found a natural remedy that works wonders for her (and me!): Chamomile Hydrosol. 

What is it?
Hydrosols are made with plant material (flours, leaves, etc.) and water through a steam distilled process.  They are much less concentrated than essential oils, and don't have as long a shelf life, so storing them in the fridge is optimal. 

What to look for:
You want to find a carrier that uses 100% pure and organic materials.  I get Nya's here (3 oz bottle is more than enough), because they carefully steam the plant and flower material strictly to produce a hydrosol.  Many distillers create hydrosols as a by product from steaming essential oils, so you don't reap the benefits of the entire plant.  There are 2 types of Chamomile available: German (Matricaria retutica) and Roman (Chamaemelum nobile).  You want to purchase German Chamomile.

Chamomile hydrosol, as with any herbal remedy, is not intended for prolonged use. I have noticed a change in Nya's comfort level within five minutes of use, and one spray to her gums usually will give her 4 - 5 solid hours of relief.

Benefits of Chamomile:
Antiseptic and antibiotic
Pain Relief
Stress Relief
Anti Inflammation
Promotes Sleep
Muscle Relaxation
Immune Boost
PMS and Menstrual Cramp Relief

Other Uses for Hydrosol Form:
Pillow mist
Body Spray
Mixed in smoothie, milk, or water

* I have also read that Chamomile helps relieve painful gas in infants.  Simply spray or gently massage the Chamomile Hydrosol in a small circle around the navel, clockwise (roughly 1.5 inch diameter from the belly button). It is important to not rub counterclockwise, as it may cause intestinal buildup. Nya has not needed relief so I have not tried this method.

Always remember to consult with your doctor or naturopath first.  Although found in nature, essential oils, herbs, and hydrosols are not safe for everyone.  Please note, I am not a doctor nor expert in this matter.
Best of luck, and remember, this journey of teething does not last forever.

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