Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Life is a Journey...

Patience. It is something I've always seemed to lack. Luckily, when Nya was born, I found all the patience in the world, and when it comes to her, I can handle anything. But when it comes to situations I'm faced with, I just don't have any.

Most things have always come easily and naturally for me, so when something takes a little more time or I struggle with it, I get frustrated and don't want to deal with it.

I don't mind a hiccup here and there, but when it becomes one thing after another, or the "simple problem" is not fixed with a simple solution, I lose my mind!

I spent THREE hours of my time trying to fix one problem after another. And after those precious three hours, nothing I had set out to accomplish actually was accomplished. This frustrates me to no end.

Since becoming a stay at home, working mommy, my time has become even more precious. My day is filled with Nya, and my nights are filled with writing, catching up with friends, and working on my business, Loving Green Baby (I'm so close to launching but not quite there...time!). So when an obstacle is presented, I cringe inside because I don't want to stop and work around it.

This is a horrible quality I possess, and I'm already seeing signs of it in Nya. She gets frustrated when presented with a challenge she can't easily tackle. I want her to enjoy the process and be proud of sticking with it instead of focusing on the end result.

How do I teach her to have patience with the process if I can't even do that myself?

I think about this a lot as I see Nya grow, and it is always something that weighs heavily in the back of my mind. I want better for Nya than I am for myself. I don't want my negative hang ups to become her negative hang ups. I don't want my mistakes to become her mistakes.

Do as I say and not as I do? This just doesn't work for my type of parenting. I don't believe I can ask something of my daughter, that I am unable to do myself; it feels hypercritical. The best I can do as a parent is to lead by example, and having Nya has forced me to take a long hard look at myself and recognize those qualities that desperately need improving.

I am a work in progress... I realize this. I may still get frustrated. I may feel like I'm losing my mind. But I will not give up. I don't want Nya to give up on something simply because she doesn't get it the first time.

This is what life is about: Learning. Working through problems. Continuous education. Keeping an open mind. And most importantly, enjoying the process along the way.   

Life is a journey. Not a destination....

What are some things you struggle with? Do you worry about this at all? Please share your thoughts below! 

 To connect with others in this crazy journey of life, discover new parenting ideas & fun DIY projects, learn about holistic remedies, & find whole food plant based recipes, please visit our Facebook page Loving Green at Loving Green FB.

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