Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Never Let Your Fear Decide Your Fate

Driving home today, one of my favorite songs (Awolnation's "Kill Your Heroes") came on the radio, and I was reminded an important life lesson I try to live by every day: "Never let your fear decide your fate."

How often do we go through life, making decisions based on fear? We grow up as innocent children with the entire future ahead of us. Somewhere along the way, our spirit takes a beating, and we lose sight of our purpose, dreams, and instincts. We begin to believe the hearsay of others, and we forget that we have the power and ability to achieve anything we set our minds to.

As children we're told we can be anything we want to be when we grow up. So why does that change once we get there? We second guess ourselves as adults, and believe our dreams are unattainable. We begin living the life we "should" be living, instead of the one we really want to be living.

As we navigate our way through life, we are questioned. Sometimes we're ridiculed. We're even frowned upon for following a path different from the path society has set forth. Who makes the rules? Who says you can't wear two different colored shoes? Who says you have to match? Who says you will never walk again after a terrible accident? Who says you can never travel the world? Who says you have to go to college to be successful? Who says you will never be able to run your own business? Who decides what you will be? Who decides what you will believe? Who decides your fate???

I have stumbled many times in life, teetering on the edge between my instincts (my core being) and fear. Sometimes fear wins, but only momentarily, because I know it's never the right course.

Since having Nya, I try to be more mindful of the decisions I make: Is it a decision based on fear? Or am I coming from a sound place, backed by research, instinct, and love?

I let go and trust the process, as difficult as that can sometimes be, and with each step, that inner voice and gut instinct become a little bit stronger, until it's screaming from inside me.

I realize how short this life is that we're given. I know how precious every moment is, and I no longer choose to decide my fate, nor the fate of my family, based on fear that society, friends, family, myself, nor anyone else may try to place upon me.

It still can be scary venturing forward; stepping into the unknown and following your dreams, or going against the rest of society. But sometimes you have to push through that in order to get to where you were meant to be. And when you do, you come out on the other side stronger, more alive, and with a much louder inner voice.

Never let your fear decide your fate.

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