Saturday, October 3, 2015

The Second Time Around....

I don't know what's taken me so long to sit down and write this post... But here I am, 29 weeks into it and finally sharing my story....and our wonderful news!

About a month before we were set to move across the country from North Carolina to California, I finally found peace in Jamie's and my decision to not have any more children. I had gone back and forth ever since Nya was born; should we have a sibling for her? Will we have the money and time to care for two (plus Jamie's two older boys)? The questions were endless, but we finally agreed and felt peace with our decision.

So began my quest to go through, clear out, and get rid of all Nya's gear and baby items I had been hanging onto. I know they were just "things", but each one of those "things" held a special memory for me. I remember the amount of time I spent researching to find the "perfect" gear. I remember each and every moment. And I knew I'd always have the memories in my heart, but letting go felt like I was letting go of a part of my baby.

But, I did it. I went through EVERYTHING, and little by little, it all went. All I had left were a few items of clothing that I just couldn't part with, and a random bath tub (how that happened I'm not quite sure!).

It was a week before we were set to move, and I had packaged up the last random clothes I had been holding onto for some friends who were having babies. As I sat there packing them into bags and reminiscing about the memories and how drastically our lives were about to change in California, an overwhelming feeling came over me, mixed with a slight bit of panic.

I asked Jamie if he would run out and grab me a pregnancy test. He, of course, thought I was crazy, but begrudgingly obliged.

30 minutes later I was in the bathroom, balling my eyes out over what I saw before me. I was PREGNANT!
This couldn't be right. I couldn't possibly be pregnant. There must be a mistake! Fear overtook my entire being.

       The realization of everything I had just given away.....
       The amount of money it would cost to replace all those items....
       The struggle that Jamie and I experienced in our relationship after Nya was born.
       The fact that I wasn't in the same shape I was in when I became pregnant with Nya....
       How much harder this would be.
       Heading to California where I was planning on heading back to work.

I couldn't control the emotions that overtook me and I  just sobbed uncontrollably for 2 hours.

I had, and still do have, a difficult time admitting this reaction. I felt incredibly selfish and guilty for feeling the way that I did, knowing how many women want to carry a baby and cannot. And here I was, not even trying, doing everything in my power to prevent this from happening... pregnant and terrified.

I took 5 more tests over the next couple of days, and made appointments with two different doctors, confirming the news.

There was a small part of me that was happy. I believe everything happens for a reason, and we were meant to have another baby. But the larger part of me was still terrified.

Shortly thereafter, on the day the movers arrived, the nausea hit me. I couldn't stop throwing up, I couldn't keep anything down, and I was about to drive with a 2 year old and CAMP across this country. How on earth am I going to do this???

Well.... I did it. Our trip was amazing, but definitely had its challenges. I was by myself with Nya, who DID NOT sleep in the truck...EVER. She didn't have an IPad, or portable DVD player to keep her occupied. I was her entertainment....From North Carolina to California. We talked and sang nonstop. I had to pee and throw up every couple of hours. I slept on the hard ground, hiked through forests, ate a lot of snack and camping food (which was so not appealing), and went nonstop. It was exhausting. But it was also pretty amazing too.

Waiting for Daddy and the dogs to arrive in Asheville....
First Family hike of the trip in the Blue Ridge Mountains...
Making Wishes on a "potty" Break....
My love....
First Night Camping....
Exhausted after a LONG hike at Mount Nebo...
Palo Duro Canyon... We had horrible storms all night long!
Palo Duro Canyon Hike...The Grand Canyon of Texas!
Not much longer....
Plaza Blanco, NM
After nearly 3 weeks, we finally made it. I was so glad to be "home". Luckily, Jamie was off for a couple weeks, during the time I was at my absolute worst. I cried, I was sick. I was tired. I felt like I couldn't be the mother I wanted to be to Nya. I didn't feel up to talking to friends. I didn't want to meet new people or make plans. I was just absolutely miserable.

Finally "Home"....
But slowly my energy came back, I let family know. I began putting myself out there. And I became incredibly happy (although still a bit scared, however subsiding) that I was pregnant with another little baby.

This pregnancy has seemed to fly by. On top of starting my own business, trying to keep my Facebook page up and running with helpful and relevant information, spending time with family after years apart, getting settled in a new place, researching midwives, birth centers, and doulas, and just running around after an active and crazy toddler...I feel like I'm on a roller coaster and have no idea when I'll be getting off.

This experience has humbled me, helped me focus even more on the little things in life, and forced me to be ever present in the moment.  I am so incredibly thankful and appreciative of all that I have, and although crazy and chaotic the majority of the time, I wouldn't trade this for anything else.

I'm sorry I didn't share this journey with you sooner.... It's out now, for the world to know. Thank you for your patience and support through it all! I plan to update over the next month with pregnancy info; how a whole food plant based diet has provided me and baby with all the nutrients we need, choosing between a hospital, home, and birth center, choosing a midwife and doula, creating a nursery on a budget, my all over the place moods, and the other fun adventures we've experienced this time around.

28 Weeks + 3 Days....
Mommy and Me time!
Family Day....Exploring SD!
Also, I'll be taking  a poll to see what you think I'm having: boy, girl, twins? Head over to the Facebook page to vote (Poll up soon!).

To connect with others in this crazy journey of life, discover new parenting ideas & fun DIY projects, learn about holistic remedies, & find whole food plant based recipes, please visit our Facebook page Loving Green at Loving Green FB.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Easy Spanish Rice

I've tried numerous Spanish rice recipes over the years, and they've all been "ok". They usually come out too goopey, not the right texture, or just a little off. Jamie has even helped me, claiming to be the "rice expert", with no luck. We've tried different types of rice, soaking and rinsing beforehand, using a rice cooker, the stove....everything! Yet nothing has worked...until last night.

At the last minute, I decided to just create something new, and hope for the best...after all, it really couldn't get any worse than it had in the past.  What transpired was the simplest recipe I have ever made, and the results were absolutely perfect! I had a soft, flaky, Spanish rice that tasted delicious, and was the perfect compliment to our Build Your Own Burrito night.

I'm still not sure exactly what the key piece of this rice puzzle was; the type of rice, the pan I used, the amount of liquid, the seasonings...? I may never know, but plan to experiment with some of these methods for creating other recipes where rice is the main ingredient.

What you need:

2 c organic white basmati rice

1 Tbsp oil (or 2 Tbsp veggie stock/water)

1 large tomato

1/2 large onion or 1 small onion

6 cloves garlic

2 Tbsp tomato paste

2 c vegetable stock

Salt to taste

What you do:

1. In a food processor, puree the tomato, onion, and garlic until nearly smooth I left a few small chunks, but did pulverize it pretty well). Set aside.

2. In a large skillet, heat 1 Tbsp olive oil (or 2 Tbsp water/veggie stock if omitting oil). Add the rice and saute until golden and translucent; about 7 minutes.

3.  Add the pureed tomato, onion, and garlic mixture, along with the tomato paste, veggie broth, and salt to the rice. Stir to combine everything and break up the tomato paste.

4. Close with a tight fitting lid and let cook for 15 minutes over a medium-low heat, stirring halfway through.

5. Once cooked, fluff with a fork a serve.


This recipe made a lot; I've already frozen some and tested it, and it does freeze and reheat well.

To connect with others in this crazy journey of life, discover new parenting ideas & fun DIY projects, learn about holistic remedies, & find whole food plant based recipes, please visit our Facebook page Loving Green at Loving Green FB.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Weekly Meal Planner...

I've slacked off this summer and we have lived off "thrown together meals". While we enjoyed our time living in the moment with family, our budget took a hard hit and so did my stress level when it came to meal time. Now that school is starting, we're getting back into a routine and have begun planning weekly meals again. We shop for the week and get just what we need; which has cut our grocery budget in half!

Feel free to use this weekly meal planner to help organize and budget your dinners. Please let me know if this works for you; are there things you'd like to see added? Not enough room? Let me know so we can create something that works best for us all!

Happy Planning!

To connect with others in this crazy journey of life, discover new parenting ideas & fun DIY projects, learn about holistic remedies, & find whole food plant based recipes, please visit our Facebook page Loving Green at Loving Green FB.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Creamy Alfredo Sauce (Dairy and Gluten Free!)

I haven't attempted alfredo sauce since giving up dairy nearly 3 years ago. Why? I have not idea how or why I have done without it for so long, but the other night, I craved it. I found a bunch of recipes that used cauliflower for the base, which I didn't have. So after a quick phone call to my mom, I adapted her recipe to create this one, based on ingredients I had on hand. The result was exactly what I was hoping for: Incredibly creamy, thick, and delicious, and an absolute breeze to whip up! I used it first for pizza, and had a little leftover that I used another night with pasta. I would still love to experience with cauliflower (to add in even more veggies, and keep it lower in calories and fat), but I am good with this plant based recipe for now!

And keep in mind, this recipe is created from whole foods, and still well over 50% FEWER calories than traditional Alfredo sauce!

What You Need:

2/3 c raw cashews

1 1/4 c water

1 Tbsp miso (I use mellow white because that's what I always happened to have on hand)

2 Tbsp lemon juice

1/4 of an onion

3 cloves garlic

1/4 c nutritional yeast

1/2 tsp sea or Himalayan salt

1/2 tsp ground mustard

2 tsp tapioca starch (corn starch works as well, just make sure it's organic to avoid GMOs!)

What You Do:

1. Put all ingredients in a high speed blender and blend until smooth. If using a food processor or traditional blender, soak cashews in warm water first for at least 1 hour.

2. For Pizza: Bake fresh dough until it begins to set (about 10 minutes). Pour sauce on top, add toppings, and bake.

For Pasta: Add to large pot with cooked pasta and veggies. Cook on low heat for 2 - 3 minutes until warm and absorbed.

3. Enjoy!


To connect with others in this crazy journey of life, discover new parenting ideas & fun DIY projects, learn about holistic remedies, & find whole food plant based recipes, please visit our Facebook page Loving Green at Loving Green FB.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Nacho Cheeze Sauce - Dairy Free!

I originally made this recipe a few months ago when we were having a family "nachos day". Basically, a really lazy day with "junk food" (nachos) and a movie. I make my original, Feel Good Cheese Sauce to top on vegetables and baked potatoes, but I wanted something that resembled a nacho cheese sauce a little more; like the jar kind from the store, or the kind you dip soft pretzels in.

I found the original recipe from April over at Kid Tested Firefighter Approved, but made some minor changes based on our needs and what I had available. I was absolutely shocked at the result; as was my husband. It tastes AMAZING, and even with my changes, she really deserves the credit for coming up with something so closely resembling nacho cheese without the cruelty, fat, and calories.

First time making the nacho cheeze sauce... I used more red pepper which darkened the color slightly.
Not only is this recipe made from whole foods, it's super easy to whip up. It's a great dip for parties, and can be used on just about anything. It does seem incredibly thin when you first blend the ingredients and before heating. It will resemble watered down milk in consistency, but thickens as it heats, and the longer it sets due to the cashews and tapioca starch.

Important Tips:

Stir continuously for best consistency

It will start to clump in the beginning...Don't panic...keep stirring!

Don't over heat (it will continue to thicken as it sets)

If saving some to reheat later, add a small bit of water to thin it out as you heat over stove

Best served fresh

Try not to eat it all in one sitting! :-)

What you need:

1/4 c raw cashews

2 Tbsp tapioca starch (corn starch works too - just make sure GMO Free)

2 Tbsp nutritional yeast

1/4 of a red bell pepper, chopped

1/2 tsp sea salt

1 Tbsp lemon juice (roughly one small lemon or 1/2 of a large lemon)

1.5 c cool water

What you do:

1. Combine all ingredients in a high speed blender or food processor and blend until smooth.

2. Pour into a small saucepan and cook over low-med heat, stirring continuously until thickens to desired consistency.

3. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Last batch of nacho cheeze sauce...use less red pepper for a lighter color.
To connect with others in this crazy journey of life, discover new parenting ideas & fun DIY projects, learn about holistic remedies, & find whole food plant based recipes, please visit our Facebook page Loving Green at Loving Green FB.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Gluten Free, Vegan Pumpkin Spice Pancakes

I know it's not really "that time of year".... but we really love all things pumpkin in this house. I'm not much a sweet eater for breakfast, but I woke up one morning and was craving some pumpkin pancakes.

I created this recipe based on my loving green pancake recipe that's a perfect first food for babies and tots. I wanted something easy, healthy, could easily be packed on the go, and would also appeal to those avoiding gluten.

My daughter still hasn't had syrup on her pancakes; she eats these plain or topped with some diced pecans. I like mine with pecans and a little bit of syrup, and my husband slathered his in syrup. If your child likes things super sweet, consider topping with some date paste in order to keep it whole food. Diced pecans add a great flavor, texture, a little extra fat (perfect for growing tots!), and added nutrients. These freeze well and are a great snack on the go.

Nya's just topped with diced pecans

  • I've made these a few times and have experimented based on what milks and type of oats/buckwheat I had available. 
  • All plant milks work well (If making your own milk, you may need to thin a bit with water)
  • Oats: Steel cut, rolled, and quick all work well (If using steel, cut back 1/3 c)
  • Buckwheat: Quick and groats both work well (If using groats, cut back 1/3 c)
  • I've also used a mixture of steel cut oats, quick oats, and buckwheat groats, and it worked perfectly well. Don't be afraid to use what you have on hand!
  • I used to cook with medjool dates, but over the past year have begun using deglet noor (any pitted date) and have found them to work a bit better for texture in recipes such as these. Medjool can sometimes have a "gummy" texture when baked/cooked.
  • Can reheat in the toaster!

What you need:

1 Tbsp ground flax mixed with 3 Tbsp warm water

1/2 tsp distilled white vinegar or apple cider vinegar (whichever you have on hand)

1 c plant milk

1/2 c pure pumpkin puree

1 tsp pure vanilla extract

* 8 pitted dates

1.5 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp pumpkin pie spice

1/2 tsp baking soda

3 tsp aluminum free baking powder

1/2 tsp sea salt

2 c gluten free oats (see note above)

* If you don't want to use dates, you can sub 1 Tbsp pure maple syrup or raw sugar. Use dates to keep it whole food!

What you do:

1. Turn on your skillet to heat (I set mine for 300 degrees).

2. Warm water and mix in the ground flax. Let sit until it becomes goopy and egg-like.

3. Add all of the ingredients (including the water/flax mixture) in a high speed blender or food processor and combine until completely smooth. Add water or milk if the batter is too thick.

4. Drop two heaping spoonfuls of batter onto the skillet and allow to cook for about 1 minute before flipping and cooking an additional minute on the other side. (They are ready to be flipped when they begin to bubble and brown on the outer edge). Makes about ten pancakes.

5. Top with your favorite toppings, or serve plain to baby/tot who is just starting out. Makes about 10 pancakes.


To connect with others in this crazy journey of life, discover new parenting ideas & fun DIY projects, learn about holistic remedies, & find whole food plant based recipes, please visit our Facebook page Loving Green at Loving Green FB.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Chocolate Zucchini Cupcakes

I was a little skeptical of how these would turn out, but I was beyond surprised with the results. The original recipe is from one of my favorite websites;, but we made a few changes to keep them whole food, and avoid processed sugars.

They were fairly easy to whip up, but do require quite a few bowls for prep. However, it's completely and utterly worth it!

My hubby, who claims to "hate" dates, and is my annoying picky eater of the house, said these were "really good, great texture, and could totally pass for a cupcake if they had icing".

These are a great mini meal for toddlers because they are made with whole, plant based foods. They freeze well so can be made in batches and added to the your weekly rotation. They're moist and fluffy, and with icing, would make an excellent chocolate cupcake.

Important Notes:

  • Pulverize the zucchini instead of shredding it (you want it to resemble pulp).
  • Make sure to use organic zucchini to avoid GMOs.
  • If you have picky eaters, you may want to peel the zucchini first. Some of our cupcakes had tiny specks of bright green.
  • Make the cashew milk after the date paste without cleaning in between (this will help you get the remaining date paste you weren't able to scrape clean; and alleviate a round of dishes).
  • Carefully fold the zucchini and chocolate chips (if using) until just incorporated; do not stir.
  • Use chocolate chips if you have picky eaters or kids who are used to super sweet treats, avoid for babies/toddlers introducing to food.
  • While I haven't tried it in this recipe, I have interchanged rice and quinoa flours for white whole wheat with excellent results.

What you need:
  • 1 Flax egg (3 Tbsp lukewarm water + 1 Tbsp ground flax)
  • 3 small zucchini, pulverized (and peeled first if desired)
  • 1 cup packed dates + 1/2 c water, pureed until smooth
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla 
  • 1/4 raw cashews + 1 c water (or 1 1/4 c plant milk)
  • Juice of 1 small lemon (roughly 3 tsp lemon juice)
  • 2 c white whole wheat flour (I use these berries and grind to flour)
  • 1/3 c raw cacao
  • 1 tsp aluminium free baking powder
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp pink Himalayan salt (any will work)
  • 1/4 c dairy free chocolate chips (optional - I used this brand)

What you do:

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Make your flax egg and set aside.

2. In a food processor (I used my mini) chop the zucchini until it resembles a pulp like texture. Set aside.

3. In a high speed blender or food processor, make your date paste (1 c dates + 1/2 c water). Once completely smooth, scoop into a medium mixing bowl. Set aside.

4. Make your cashew milk (1/4 c raw cashews and 1 c water) in the same blender or food processor without cleaning first. Pour into a cup, and add the lemon juice. Let sit for at least 2 minutes.

5. Combine dry ingredients (raw cacao, flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt) in a large mixing bowl. Set aside.

6. Add the flax egg, vanilla, and milk with lemon to the date paste and stir (won't mix completely; you'll still have excess milk). Pour into the dry mixture and stir to combine.

7. Fold in the zucchini and chocolate chips until just incorporated. Be careful not to over stir.

8. Scoop into a silicon muffin cups or a lightly oiled muffin pan. Bake for about 15 - 17 minutes. Makes 15 cupcakes.



To connect with others in this crazy journey of life, discover new parenting ideas & fun DIY projects, learn about holistic remedies, & find whole food plant based recipes, please visit our Facebook page Loving Green at Loving Green FB.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups (Refined sugar and dairy free)

Sometimes you just need a dessert. But why not make those sweet treats work for your body instead of against it? I'm all for indulging, eating what your body craves, not restricting calories...but paying attention to the ingredients that you're actually ingesting.

I've experimented with these a few times, and originally made them into "buckeye balls". I think they look the best this way, but dipping them can be a bit time consuming. So I decided to turn them into my husband's favorite candy; peanut butter cups, and they were a HUGE hit!

You can make these a couple different ways...balls or cups, and crispy (my favorite) or not (Jamie's favorite). The batter is supposed to be somewhat dry, the chocolate coating helps to keep it in place.

What you need:

1 c natural peanut butter (I used chunky, but either works well!)

3/4 c date sugar (dehydrated dates finely can make your own or buy online or a health store)

1 Tbsp Maple Syrup (you can skip this and add extra peanut butter if it is too dry)

* 1 Plain rice cake (nothing added)

2 cups dairy free chocolate chips (I use Enjoy Life)

* Optional for crispy

What you do:

1. Combine peanut butter, date sugar, and maple syrup in a medium mixing bowl and stir until combined. It will be a little dry and that's ok!

2. Break apart the rice cake and add to the mixture if using. (I used a rice cake because it was the only thing I could find that had a good crunch without added ingredients).

For "buckeye balls"

3. In a double saucepan, melt the chocolate. (I heated water in a pot and place a glass bowl on top with the chocolate chips to create this).

4. While the chocolate is melting, begin to roll the batter into small balls, about 1/2 inch in diameter. (For best results, freeze the balls for 30 minutes before dipping in the melted chocolate).

5. Dip each ball into the chocolate, coating evenly, and place on parchment paper or a silicon baking mat. Store in fridge for 10 minutes to set. Makes about 24.

For Peanut butter cups

3. Melt the chocolate and scoop about 1.5 Tbsp into a silicon muffin pan (or a slightly oiled muffin pan). Spread across the bottom and up the sides (it doesn't have to be perfect, you just want to coat it as well as possible).

4. Scoop about 1/3 cup of the mixture into each chocolate coated muffin pan and press down firmly to pack.

5. Spoon more melted chocolate over the top to cover. Store in fridge to set (at least one hour). To remove, use a knife to slowly peel away from the sides and pop out (a silicon muffin pan works best for this!). Makes about 12.


To connect with others in this crazy journey of life, discover new parenting ideas & fun DIY projects, learn about holistic remedies, & find whole food plant based recipes, please visit our Facebook page Loving Green at Loving Green FB.