Saturday, February 8, 2014

Pumpkin Walnut Muffins for Tots

I have experimented a few times with these muffins before finding a set of ingredients that work perfectly together, without compromising the taste and nutrition. When I first began combining foods for my daughter, I had an array of "mini meals" constantly on hand in the freezer that provided variety and the nutrition her body required.  I added different nuts to every meal in order to up the calories and healthy fat content that is essential for her growing and active body.  They were my "go-to" meals I would thaw overnight, and paired with fruit, provided a perfect snack.  These are also essential for on the go trips because they provide a complete meal and are not messy...which is a big score when you're out and about!

Even though they're meant for my 16 month old daughter, my husband and I love them!

What you need:

1/2 c Raw Walnuts

1 Tbsp Ground Flax + 3 Tbsp Water

1 c Medjool Dates, Soaked at least 30 minutes

15 oz Organic Pumpkin (Nothing added)

*1 c Raw Almonds, blended to flour

*2/3 c Unbleached White Whole Wheat Flour

1 tsp Baking Powder

Pinch of Sea Salt

**1 tsp Cinnamon

**1/2 tsp Nutmeg

**1/4 tsp Ground Cloves

*You can use any flour you choose.  I like this combination best.  Using only almond meal will result in a muffin that does not rise, and is likely to fall apart.

** If you don't have these spices individually, don't worry!  Use 1.5 tsp pumpkin pie spice, OR, just use what you do have (cinnamon only is ok!)


What you do:

1. Puree dates, pumpkin, and walnuts in a high speed blender or food processor until smooth.  Transfer to medium mixing bowl (It should be light and whipped).

2. Add ground flax with water and stir well.

Pureed pumpkin, walnuts, and dates with flax "egg".

3.  Add remaining ingredients EXCEPT flour (Almond meal, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves) and stir to incorporate.

4. Fold in flour (this ensures a very light and fluffy muffin!)

5. Scoop into mini muffin pans, and bake for 12 minutes at 350 degrees.  Makes 48 mini muffins.

Why these ingredients?

Almonds - High in Biotin, Vitamin E, Manganese, Copper, B2, Potassium (promotes a healthy and responsive nervous system), Magnesium, and healthy fats. Almonds are known to lower cholesterol, reduce heart disease risk, and improve the flow of blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout the body

Dates - High levels of Soluble Fiber, Iron, and Potassium contain excellent levels of Selenium, Manganese, Copper, and Magnesium. Helps formulate friendly bacteria in intestines (helps with constipation and digestive issues). Dates have also shown in research studies to reduce the risk and impact of abdominal cancer. 

Ground Flax - High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Fiber. Also known to improve blood sugar, lower cholesterol, and protect against cancer and radiation.

Pumpkin - High in Iron and Vitamin A (plays an important role in vision and bone growth; helps protect the body from infections; promotes the health and growth of cells and tissues in the body, and boosts the immune system).   Pumpkin also reduces inflammation, and is a good source of Vitamin E (keeps your immune system working properly and protects your cells from damage that can lead to certain types of disease, such as cancer.)  (Source).

Walnuts - High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Magnesium, Copper, and Manganese. Walnuts also provde a good source of Vitamins A, C, E, folate, and other B Vitamins.  They provide a wide variety of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrients, which research shows provide measurable anti-cancer benefits. The antioxidant properties of walnuts help lower the risk of chronic oxidative stress, and the anti-inflammatory properties help lower the risk of chronic inflammation. These two types of risk, when combined, pose the greatest threat for cancer development. (Source). Archives of Internal Medicine found walnuts to reduce LDL ("bad") cholesterol by  7.4 percent, reduce the ratio of LDL to HDL by 8.3 percent. (Source).

I keep these mini muffins stored in the freezer and take a couple out the night before Nya eats them. They need to be kept frozen (unless eaten within a few days), in order to preserve freshness, because they do not contain preservatives.  Enjoy!

Nutrition Info per Muffin:
Calories: 36
Fat: 2.1 g
Saturated Fat: 0.15 g
Sodium: 10 mg
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Carbohydrates: 3.6 g
Fiber: 1 g
Sugars: 1.3 g
Protein: 1.1 g

Looking for other first meals for your baby or tot?  Try these that were, and are a hit in our home!

To connect with others in this crazy journey of life, discover new parenting ideas & fun DIY projects, learn about holistic remedies, & find whole food plant based recipes, please visit our Facebook page Loving Green at Loving Green FB.


  1. Just made these for my two children (2 & 4) and they Loved them. Hubby couldn't stop eating them either. So great to find a recipe that's healthy and doesn't include sugar. These are a huge hit. Thank you!! ~ Jen

  2. Oh my gosh, we LOVE these!
